Source code for zoo.chronos.autots.experimental.tspipeline

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import os

from import TSDataset
from zoo.automl.common.metrics import Evaluator

DEFAULT_MODEL_INIT_DIR = "model_init.ckpt"
DEFAULT_BEST_MODEL_DIR = "best_model.ckpt"
DEFAULT_DATA_PROCESS_DIR = "data_process.ckpt"
DEFAULT_BEST_CONFIG_DIR = "best_config.ckpt"

[docs]class TSPipeline: ''' TSPipeline is an E2E solution for time series analysis (only forecasting task for now). You can use TSPipeline to: 1. Further development on the prototype. (predict, evaluate, incremental fit) 2. Deploy the model to their scenario. (save, load) ''' def __init__(self, best_model, best_config, **kwargs): self._best_model = best_model self._best_config = best_config self._scaler = None self._scaler_index = None if "scaler" in kwargs.keys(): self._scaler = kwargs["scaler"] self._scaler_index = kwargs["scaler_index"]
[docs] def evaluate(self, data, metrics=['mse'], multioutput="uniform_average", batch_size=32): ''' Evaluate the time series pipeline. :param data: data can be a TSDataset or data creator(will be supported). The TSDataset should follow the same operations as the training TSDataset used in :param metrics: list. The evaluation metric name to optimize. e.g. ["mse"] :param multioutput: Defines aggregating of multiple output values. String in ['raw_values', 'uniform_average']. The value defaults to 'uniform_average'. :param batch_size: predict batch_size, the process will cost more time if batch_size is small while cost less memory. The param is only effective when data is a TSDataset. The values defaults to 32. ''' _, y = self._tsdataset_to_numpy(data, is_predict=False) yhat = self.predict(data, batch_size=batch_size) if self._scaler: from import unscale_timeseries_numpy y = unscale_timeseries_numpy(y, self._scaler, self._scaler_index) eval_result = [Evaluator.evaluate(m, y_true=y, y_pred=yhat[:y.shape[0]], multioutput=multioutput) for m in metrics] return eval_result
[docs] def predict(self, data, batch_size=32): ''' Rolling predict with time series pipeline. :param data: data can be a TSDataset or data creator(will be supported). The TSDataset should follow the same operations as the training TSDataset used in :param batch_size: predict batch_size, the process will cost more time if batch_size is small while cost less memory. The param is only effective when data is a TSDataset. The values defaults to 32. ''' x, _ = self._tsdataset_to_numpy(data, is_predict=True) yhat = self._best_model.predict(x, batch_size=batch_size) if self._scaler: from import unscale_timeseries_numpy yhat = unscale_timeseries_numpy(yhat, self._scaler, self._scaler_index) return yhat
[docs] def fit(self, data, validation_data=None, epochs=1, metric="mse"): ''' Incremental fitting :param data: data can be a TSDataset or data creator(will be supported). the TSDataset should follow the same operations as the training TSDataset used in :param validation_data: validation data, same format as data. :param epochs: incremental fitting epoch. The value defaults to 1. :param metric: evaluate metric. ''' x, y = self._tsdataset_to_numpy(data, is_predict=False) if validation_data is None: x_val, y_val = x, y else: x_val, y_val = self._tsdataset_to_numpy(validation_data, is_predict=False) res = self._best_model.fit_eval(data=(x, y), validation_data=(x_val, y_val), metric=metric) return res
[docs] def save(self, file_path): ''' Save the TSPipeline to a folder :param file_path: the folder location to save the pipeline ''' import pickle if not os.path.isdir(file_path): os.mkdir(file_path) model_init_path = os.path.join(file_path, DEFAULT_MODEL_INIT_DIR) model_path = os.path.join(file_path, DEFAULT_BEST_MODEL_DIR) data_process_path = os.path.join(file_path, DEFAULT_DATA_PROCESS_DIR) best_config_path = os.path.join(file_path, DEFAULT_BEST_CONFIG_DIR) model_init = {"model_creator": self._best_model.model_creator, "optimizer_creator": self._best_model.optimizer_creator, "loss_creator": self._best_model.loss_creator} data_process = {"scaler": self._scaler, "scaler_index": self._scaler_index} with open(model_init_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(model_init, f) with open(data_process_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(data_process, f) with open(best_config_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self._best_config, f)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(file_path): ''' Load the TSPipeline to a folder :param file_path: the folder location to load the pipeline ''' import pickle model_init_path = os.path.join(file_path, DEFAULT_MODEL_INIT_DIR) model_path = os.path.join(file_path, DEFAULT_BEST_MODEL_DIR) data_process_path = os.path.join(file_path, DEFAULT_DATA_PROCESS_DIR) best_config_path = os.path.join(file_path, DEFAULT_BEST_CONFIG_DIR) with open(model_init_path, "rb") as f: model_init = pickle.load(f) with open(data_process_path, "rb") as f: data_process = pickle.load(f) with open(best_config_path, "rb") as f: best_config = pickle.load(f) from zoo.automl.model.base_pytorch_model import PytorchBaseModel best_model = PytorchBaseModel(**model_init) best_model.restore(model_path) return TSPipeline(best_model, best_config, **data_process)
def _tsdataset_to_numpy(self, data, is_predict=False): if isinstance(data, TSDataset): lookback = self._best_config["past_seq_len"] horizon = 0 if is_predict else self._best_config["future_seq_len"] selected_features = self._best_config["selected_features"] data.roll(lookback, horizon, feature_col=selected_features) x, y = data.to_numpy() else: raise NotImplementedError("Data creator has not been supported now.") return x, y