Source code for

# Copyright 2018 Analytics Zoo Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import functools

from import generate_dt_features, generate_global_features
from import impute_timeseries_dataframe
from import deduplicate_timeseries_dataframe
from import roll_timeseries_dataframe
from import unscale_timeseries_numpy
from import resample_timeseries_dataframe
from import split_timeseries_dataframe

from tsfresh.utilities.dataframe_functions import roll_time_series
from tsfresh.utilities.dataframe_functions import impute as impute_tsfresh
from tsfresh import extract_features
from tsfresh.feature_extraction import ComprehensiveFCParameters,\
    MinimalFCParameters, EfficientFCParameters
DEFAULT_PARAMS = {"comprehensive": ComprehensiveFCParameters(),
                  "minimal": MinimalFCParameters(),
                  "efficient": EfficientFCParameters()}


[docs]class TSDataset: def __init__(self, data, **schema): ''' TSDataset is an abstract of time series dataset. Cascade call is supported for most of the transform methods. ''' self.df = data self.id_col = schema["id_col"] self.dt_col = schema["dt_col"] self.feature_col = schema["feature_col"].copy() self.target_col = schema["target_col"].copy() self.numpy_x = None self.numpy_y = None self.roll_feature = None self.roll_target = None self.roll_feature_df = None self.roll_addional_feature = None self.scaler = None self.scaler_index = [i for i in range(len(self.target_col))] self.id_sensitive = None self._check_basic_invariants() self._id_list = list(np.unique(self.df[self.id_col])) self._is_pd_datetime = pd.api.types.is_datetime64_any_dtype(self.df[self.dt_col].dtypes)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_pandas(df, dt_col, target_col, id_col=None, extra_feature_col=None, with_split=False, val_ratio=0, test_ratio=0.1, largest_look_back=0, largest_horizon=1): ''' Initialize tsdataset(s) from pandas dataframe. :param df: a pandas dataframe for your raw time series data. :param dt_col: a str indicates the col name of datetime column in the input data frame. :param target_col: a str or list indicates the col name of target column in the input data frame. :param id_col: (optional) a str indicates the col name of dataframe id. If it is not explicitly stated, then the data is interpreted as only containing a single id. :param extra_feature_col: (optional) a str or list indicates the col name of extra feature columns that needs to predict the target column. :param with_split: (optional) bool, states if we need to split the dataframe to train, validation and test set. The value defaults to False. :param val_ratio: (optional) float, validation ratio. Only effective when with_split is set to True. The value defaults to 0. :param test_ratio: (optional) float, test ratio. Only effective when with_split is set to True. The value defaults to 0.1. :param largest_look_back: (optional) int, the largest length to look back. Only effective when with_split is set to True. The value defaults to 0. :param largest_horizon: (optional) int, the largest num of steps to look forward. Only effective when with_split is set to True. The value defaults to 1. :return: a TSDataset instance when with_split is set to False, three TSDataset instances when with_split is set to True. Create a tsdataset instance by: >>> # Here is a df example: >>> # id datetime value "extra feature 1" "extra feature 2" >>> # 00 2019-01-01 1.9 1 2 >>> # 01 2019-01-01 2.3 0 9 >>> # 00 2019-01-02 2.4 3 4 >>> # 01 2019-01-02 2.6 0 2 >>> tsdataset = TSDataset.from_pandas(df, dt_col="datetime", >>> target_col="value", id_col="id", >>> extra_feature_col=["extra feature 1", >>> "extra feature 2"]) ''' _check_type(df, "df", pd.DataFrame) tsdataset_df = df.copy(deep=True) target_col = _to_list(target_col, name="target_col") feature_col = _to_list(extra_feature_col, name="extra_feature_col") if id_col is None: tsdataset_df[_DEFAULT_ID_COL_NAME] = _DEFAULT_ID_PLACEHOLDER id_col = _DEFAULT_ID_COL_NAME if with_split: tsdataset_dfs = split_timeseries_dataframe(df=tsdataset_df, id_col=id_col, val_ratio=val_ratio, test_ratio=test_ratio, look_back=largest_look_back, horizon=largest_horizon) return [TSDataset(data=tsdataset_dfs[i], id_col=id_col, dt_col=dt_col, target_col=target_col, feature_col=feature_col) for i in range(3)] return TSDataset(data=tsdataset_df, id_col=id_col, dt_col=dt_col, target_col=target_col, feature_col=feature_col)
[docs] def impute(self, mode="last", const_num=0): ''' Impute the tsdataset by imputing each univariate time series distinguished by id_col and feature_col. :param mode: imputation mode, select from "last", "const" or "linear". "last": impute by propagating the last non N/A number to its following N/A. if there is no non N/A number ahead, 0 is filled instead. "const": impute by a const value input by user. "linear": impute by linear interpolation. :param const_num: indicates the const number to fill, which is only effective when mode is set to "const". :return: the tsdataset instance. ''' df_list = [impute_timeseries_dataframe(df=self.df[self.df[self.id_col] == id_name], dt_col=self.dt_col, mode=mode, const_num=const_num) for id_name in self._id_list] self.df = pd.concat(df_list) return self
[docs] def deduplicate(self): ''' Remove those duplicated records which has exactly the same values in each feature_col for each multivariate timeseries distinguished by id_col. :return: the tsdataset instance. ''' df_list = [deduplicate_timeseries_dataframe(df=self.df[self.df[self.id_col] == id_name], dt_col=self.dt_col) for id_name in self._id_list] self.df = pd.concat(df_list) return self
[docs] def resample(self, interval, start_time=None, end_time=None, merge_mode="mean"): ''' Resample on a new interval for each univariate time series distinguished by id_col and feature_col. :param interval: pandas offset aliases, indicating time interval of the output dataframe. :param start_time: start time of the output dataframe. :param end_time: end time of the output dataframe. :param merge_mode: if current interval is smaller than output interval, we need to merge the values in a mode. "max", "min", "mean" or "sum" are supported for now. :return: the tsdataset instance. ''' df_list = [] for id_name in self._id_list: df_id = resample_timeseries_dataframe(df=self.df[self.df[self.id_col] == id_name] .drop(self.id_col, axis=1), dt_col=self.dt_col, interval=interval, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, merge_mode=merge_mode) df_id[self.id_col] = id_name df_list.append(df_id.copy()) self.df = pd.concat(df_list) return self
[docs] def gen_dt_feature(self): ''' | Generate datetime feature for each row. Currently we generate following features: | "MINUTE": The minute of the time stamp. | "DAY": The day of the time stamp. | "DAYOFYEAR": The ordinal day of the year of the time stamp. | "HOUR": The hour of the time stamp. | "WEEKDAY": The day of the week of the time stamp, Monday=0, Sunday=6. | "WEEKOFYEAR": The ordinal week of the year of the time stamp. | "MONTH": The month of the time stamp. | "IS_AWAKE": Bool value indicating whether it belongs to awake hours for the time stamp, | True for hours between 6A.M. and 1A.M. | "IS_BUSY_HOURS": Bool value indicating whether it belongs to busy hours for the time | stamp, True for hours between 7A.M. and 10A.M. and hours between 4P.M. and 8P.M. | "IS_WEEKEND": Bool value indicating whether it belongs to weekends for the time stamp, | True for Saturdays and Sundays. :return: the tsdataset instance. ''' df_list = [generate_dt_features(input_df=self.df[self.df[self.id_col] == id_name], dt_col=self.dt_col) for id_name in self._id_list] self.df = pd.concat(df_list) from import TIME_FEATURE, \ ADDITIONAL_TIME_FEATURE_HOUR, ADDITIONAL_TIME_FEATURE_WEEKDAY increased_attrbutes = list(TIME_FEATURE) +\ list(ADDITIONAL_TIME_FEATURE_HOUR) +\ list(ADDITIONAL_TIME_FEATURE_WEEKDAY) self.feature_col += [attr + "({})".format(self.dt_col) for attr in increased_attrbutes] return self
[docs] def gen_global_feature(self, settings="comprehensive", full_settings=None): ''' Generate per-time-series feature for each time series. This method will be implemented by tsfresh. TODO: relationship with scale should be figured out. :param settings: str or dict. If a string is set, then it must be one of "comprehensive" "minimal" and "efficient". If a dict is set, then it should follow the instruction for default_fc_parameters in tsfresh. The value is defaulted to "comprehensive". :param full_settings: dict. It should follow the instruction for kind_to_fc_parameters in tsfresh. The value is defaulted to None. :return: the tsdataset instance. ''' if full_settings is not None: self.df,\ addtional_feature =\ generate_global_features(input_df=self.df, column_id=self.id_col, column_sort=self.dt_col, kind_to_fc_parameters=full_settings) self.feature_col += addtional_feature return self if isinstance(settings, str): assert settings in ["comprehensive", "minimal", "efficient"], \ f"settings str should be one of \"comprehensive\", \"minimal\", \"efficient\"\ , but found {settings}." default_fc_parameters = DEFAULT_PARAMS[settings] else: default_fc_parameters = settings self.df,\ addtional_feature =\ generate_global_features(input_df=self.df, column_id=self.id_col, column_sort=self.dt_col, default_fc_parameters=default_fc_parameters) self.feature_col += addtional_feature return self
[docs] def gen_rolling_feature(self, window_size, settings="comprehensive", full_settings=None): ''' Generate aggregation feature for each sample. This method will be implemented by tsfresh. TODO: relationship with scale should be figured out. :param window_size: int, generate feature according to the rolling result. :param settings: str or dict. If a string is set, then it must be one of "comprehensive" "minimal" and "efficient". If a dict is set, then it should follow the instruction for default_fc_parameters in tsfresh. The value is defaulted to "comprehensive". :param full_settings: dict. It should follow the instruction for kind_to_fc_parameters in tsfresh. The value is defaulted to None. :return: the tsdataset instance. ''' if isinstance(settings, str): assert settings in ["comprehensive", "minimal", "efficient"], \ f"settings str should be one of \"comprehensive\", \"minimal\", \"efficient\"\ , but found {settings}." default_fc_parameters = DEFAULT_PARAMS[settings] else: default_fc_parameters = settings df_rolled = roll_time_series(self.df, column_id=self.id_col, column_sort=self.dt_col, max_timeshift=window_size-1, min_timeshift=window_size-1) if not full_settings: self.roll_feature_df = extract_features(df_rolled, column_id=self.id_col, column_sort=self.dt_col, default_fc_parameters=default_fc_parameters) else: self.roll_feature_df = extract_features(df_rolled, column_id=self.id_col, column_sort=self.dt_col, kind_to_fc_parameters=full_settings) impute_tsfresh(self.roll_feature_df) self.feature_col += list(self.roll_feature_df.columns) self.roll_addional_feature = list(self.roll_feature_df.columns) return self
[docs] def roll(self, lookback, horizon, feature_col=None, target_col=None, id_sensitive=False): ''' Sampling by rolling for machine learning/deep learning models. :param lookback: int, lookback value. :param horizon: int or list, if `horizon` is an int, we will sample `horizon` step continuously after the forecasting point. if `horizon` is a list, we will sample discretely according to the input list. specially, when `horizon` is set to 0, ground truth will be generated as None. :param feature_col: str or list, indicates the feature col name. Default to None, where we will take all available feature in rolling. :param target_col: str or list, indicates the target col name. Default to None, where we will take all target in rolling. it should be a subset of target_col you used to initialize the tsdataset. :param id_sensitive: bool, if `id_sensitive` is False, we will rolling on each id's sub dataframe and fuse the sampings. The shape of rolling will be x: (num_sample, lookback, num_feature_col + num_target_col) y: (num_sample, horizon, num_target_col) where num_sample is the summation of sample number of each dataframe if `id_sensitive` is True, we will rolling on the wide dataframe whose columns are cartesian product of id_col and feature_col The shape of rolling will be x: (num_sample, lookback, new_num_feature_col + new_num_target_col) y: (num_sample, horizon, new_num_target_col) where num_sample is the sample number of the wide dataframe, new_num_feature_col is the product of the number of id and the number of feature_col. new_num_target_col is the product of the number of id and the number of target_col. :return: the tsdataset instance. roll() can be called by: >>> # Here is a df example: >>> # id datetime value "extra feature 1" "extra feature 2" >>> # 00 2019-01-01 1.9 1 2 >>> # 01 2019-01-01 2.3 0 9 >>> # 00 2019-01-02 2.4 3 4 >>> # 01 2019-01-02 2.6 0 2 >>> tsdataset = TSDataset.from_pandas(df, dt_col="datetime", >>> target_col="value", id_col="id", >>> extra_feature_col=["extra feature 1", >>> "extra feature 2"]) >>> horizon, lookback = 1, 1 >>> tsdataset.roll(lookback=lookback, horizon=horizon, id_sensitive=False) >>> x, y = tsdataset.to_numpy() >>> print(x, y) # x = [[[1.9, 1, 2 ]], [[2.3, 0, 9 ]]] y = [[[ 2.4 ]], [[ 2.6 ]]] >>> print(x.shape, y.shape) # x.shape = (2, 1, 3) y.shape = (2, 1, 1) >>> tsdataset.roll(lookback=lookback, horizon=horizon, id_sensitive=True) >>> x, y = tsdataset.to_numpy() >>> print(x, y) # x = [[[ 1.9, 2.3, 1, 2, 0, 9 ]]] y = [[[ 2.4, 2.6]]] >>> print(x.shape, y.shape) # x.shape = (1, 1, 6) y.shape = (1, 1, 2) ''' feature_col = _to_list(feature_col, "feature_col") if feature_col is not None \ else self.feature_col target_col = _to_list(target_col, "target_col") if target_col is not None \ else self.target_col if self.roll_addional_feature: additional_feature_col =\ list(set(feature_col).intersection(set(self.roll_addional_feature))) feature_col =\ list(set(feature_col) - set(self.roll_addional_feature)) self.roll_feature = feature_col + additional_feature_col else: additional_feature_col = None self.roll_feature = feature_col self.roll_target = target_col num_id = len(self._id_list) num_feature_col = len(self.roll_feature) num_target_col = len(self.roll_target) self.id_sensitive = id_sensitive roll_feature_df = None if self.roll_feature_df is None \ else self.roll_feature_df[additional_feature_col] rolling_result =\ self.df.groupby([self.id_col])\ .apply(lambda df: roll_timeseries_dataframe(df=df, roll_feature_df=roll_feature_df, lookback=lookback, horizon=horizon, feature_col=feature_col, target_col=target_col)) # concat the result on required axis concat_axis = 2 if id_sensitive else 0 self.numpy_x = np.concatenate([rolling_result[i][0] for i in self._id_list], axis=concat_axis).astype(np.float64) if horizon != 0: self.numpy_y = np.concatenate([rolling_result[i][1] for i in self._id_list], axis=concat_axis).astype(np.float64) else: self.numpy_y = None # target first if self.id_sensitive: feature_start_idx = num_target_col*num_id reindex_list = [list(range(i*num_target_col, (i+1)*num_target_col)) + list(range(feature_start_idx+i*num_feature_col, feature_start_idx+(i+1)*num_feature_col)) for i in range(num_id)] reindex_list = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a+b, reindex_list) sorted_index = sorted(range(len(reindex_list)), key=reindex_list.__getitem__) self.numpy_x = self.numpy_x[:, :, sorted_index] # scaler index num_roll_target = len(self.roll_target) repeat_factor = len(self._id_list) if self.id_sensitive else 1 scaler_index = [self.target_col.index(self.roll_target[i]) for i in range(num_roll_target)] * repeat_factor self.scaler_index = scaler_index return self
[docs] def to_numpy(self): ''' Export rolling result in form of a tuple of numpy ndarray (x, y). :return: a 2-dim tuple. each item is a 3d numpy ndarray. The ndarray is casted to float64. ''' if self.numpy_x is None: raise RuntimeError("Please call \"roll\" method\ before transform a TSDataset to numpy ndarray!") return self.numpy_x, self.numpy_y
[docs] def to_pandas(self): ''' Export the pandas dataframe. :return: the internal dataframe. ''' return self.df.copy()
[docs] def scale(self, scaler, fit=True): ''' Scale the time series dataset's feature column and target column. :param scaler: sklearn scaler instance, StandardScaler, MaxAbsScaler, MinMaxScaler and RobustScaler are supported. :param fit: if we need to fit the scaler. Typically, the value should be set to True for training set, while False for validation and test set. The value is defaulted to True. :return: the tsdataset instance. Assume there is a training set tsdata and a test set tsdata_test. scale() should be called first on training set with default value fit=True, then be called on test set with the same scaler and fit=False. >>> from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler >>> scaler = StandardScaler() >>> tsdata.scale(scaler, fit=True) >>> tsdata_test.scale(scaler, fit=False) ''' feature_col = self.feature_col if self.roll_addional_feature: feature_col = [] for feature in self.feature_col: if feature not in self.roll_addional_feature: feature_col.append(feature) if fit: self.df[self.target_col + feature_col] = \ scaler.fit_transform(self.df[self.target_col + feature_col]) else: self.df[self.target_col + feature_col] = \ scaler.transform(self.df[self.target_col + feature_col]) self.scaler = scaler return self
[docs] def unscale(self): ''' Unscale the time series dataset's feature column and target column. :return: the tsdataset instance. ''' feature_col = self.feature_col if self.roll_addional_feature: feature_col = [] for feature in self.feature_col: if feature not in self.roll_addional_feature: feature_col.append(feature) self.df[self.target_col + feature_col] = \ self.scaler.inverse_transform(self.df[self.target_col + feature_col]) return self
[docs] def unscale_numpy(self, data): ''' Unscale the time series forecaster's numpy prediction result/ground truth. :param data: a numpy ndarray with 3 dim whose shape should be exactly the same with self.numpy_y. :return: the unscaled numpy ndarray. ''' return unscale_timeseries_numpy(data, self.scaler, self.scaler_index)
def _check_basic_invariants(self): ''' This function contains a bunch of assertions to make sure strict rules(the invariants) for the internal dataframe(self.df) must stands. If not, clear and user-friendly error or warning message should be provided to the users. This function will be called after each method(e.g. impute, deduplicate ...). ''' # check type _check_type(self.df, "df", pd.DataFrame) _check_type(self.id_col, "id_col", str) _check_type(self.dt_col, "dt_col", str) _check_type(self.target_col, "target_col", list) _check_type(self.feature_col, "feature_col", list) # check valid name _check_col_within(self.df, self.id_col) _check_col_within(self.df, self.dt_col) for target_col_name in self.target_col: _check_col_within(self.df, target_col_name) for feature_col_name in self.feature_col: if self.roll_addional_feature and feature_col_name in self.roll_addional_feature: continue _check_col_within(self.df, feature_col_name) # check no n/a in critical col _check_col_no_na(self.df, self.dt_col) _check_col_no_na(self.df, self.id_col)
def _to_list(item, name, expect_type=str): if isinstance(item, list): return item if item is None: return [] _check_type(item, name, expect_type) return [item] def _check_type(item, name, expect_type): assert isinstance(item, expect_type),\ f"a {str(expect_type)} is expected for {name} but found {type(item)}" def _check_col_within(df, col_name): assert col_name in df.columns,\ f"{col_name} is expected in dataframe while not found" def _check_col_no_na(df, col_name): _check_col_within(df, col_name) assert df[col_name].isna().sum() == 0,\ f"{col_name} column should not have N/A."